Accelerating Japan’s energy transition through innovation and global connections
Meet The Distinguished Speakers
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Masumi Takanashi
Project Director, Global Coordination Division, Hydrogen and CCS Project Department Energy Business Unit Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
Ms. Masumi Takanashi has served as the Project Director of the Global Coordination Division of Hydrogen and CCS Project Department, Energy Business Unit of JOGMEC which is a newly formed department. She is a co-author of the JOGMEC CCS and GHG-Carbon Intensity guidelines, and responsible for research on laws and regulations, incentive measures, carbon pricing, clean hydrogen certification schemes to develop a business environment for CCS, hydrogen and ammonia projects in global. She collaboratively works together with Japanese government and many Japanese companies to supports CCS, hydrogen and ammonia projects. During her career she received a master’s degree at Sturm College of Law, University of Denver in the US with the theme of international environment and resource policies focused on the environmental and social impact assessment of natural resource projects.