年度 協賛&パートナー企業一覧








ADNOC is a progressive international energy company taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in the clean energy system of tomorrow. Our network of fully-integrated businesses operates across the energy value chain, helping us to responsibly meet the demands of an ever-changing energy market.



Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies. We believe affordable, reliable and ever-cleaner energy is essential to enabling human progress. Chevron produces crude oil and natural gas; manufactures transportation fuels, lubricants, petrochemicals and additives; and develops technologies that enhance our business and the industry. We aim to grow our traditional oil and gas business, lower the carbon intensity of our operations and grow new lower carbon businesses in renewable fuels, hydrogen, carbon capture, offsets and other emerging technologies. More information about Chevron is available at www.chevron.com






RWEはグリーンエネルギーの世界をリードしています。その投資と成長戦略Growing Greenにより、RWEはエネルギー転換の成功とエネルギーシステムの脱炭素化に大きく貢献しています。世界約30カ国で約2万人の従業員が働いています。RWEはすでに再生可能エネルギー分野におけるリーディングカンパニーのひとつです。2024年から2030年にかけて、RWEは洋上および陸上風力、太陽エネルギー、バッテリー、フレキシブル発電、水素プロジェクトに全世界で550億ユーロを投資する予定です。この10年の終わりまでに、RWEのグリーンポートフォリオは65ギガワット以上の発電容量に成長し、グローバルなエネルギー取引によって完全に補完されることになります。RWEは1.5度削減の道筋に沿って事業の脱炭素化を進めており、2030年までに石炭を廃止する予定です。RWEは2040年までにネットゼロを達成する。RWEの目的である「持続可能な生活のためのエネルギー」に完全に沿ったものです。



Abaxx Exchange introduces centrally cleared, physically delivered futures contracts and derivatives to provide better price signals, improved risk management capabilities and an enhanced network for energy, metals and carbon markets.

The abax was an ancient tool for mathematics and commerce which preceded the abacus. Abaxx was founded with a vision of introducing innovative tools to amplify and expand international trade.  We are a technology focused organization headquartered in Singapore.  

We are developing and deploying financial technologies that make global communication, trade, and transactions easier and more secure.

For more than 150 years, ABS has been at the forefront of marine and offshore energy innovation. We work alongside our partners tackling the most pressing technical, operational and regulatory challenges so the marine and offshore industries can operate safely, securely and responsibly.

We provide traditional classification services as well as on-the-ground technical services in asset performance, energy efficiency, environmental performance and life cycle management. With a passion for making the world a safer place, while also delivering practical and innovative solutions, we stand ready to assist and advance the marine and offshore energy industries.

The Asahi Kasei Group is a diversified manufacturer centered on chemistry, founded in 1922 with the purpose of "improving people's standard of living by supplying an abundance of the highest-quality daily necessities at the lowest prices." The history of the Asahi Kasei Group is rooted in Japan's first ammonia production by chemical synthesis, using hydroelectric power, which formed the basis for our synthetic chemicals and chemical fibers businesses. Since then, we have continued to proactively diversify and adapt our operating portfolio in accordance with changes in the economy, changes in society, and changes in the environment.

We now contribute to life and living for people around the world through our operations in the three business sectors of Material consisting of fibers, chemicals, and electronics; Homes consisting of homes and construction materials; and Health Care consisting of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and acute critical care. The products, technologies, and services of the Asahi Kasei Group can create new value that helps society overcome current challenges by contributing to a clean environment, to clean energy, and to longevity with health, comfort, and peace of mind. We will fulfill our Group Slogan of "Creating for Tomorrow" by leveraging the broad-ranging businesses and multifaceted human resources gained across our history of diversification to actively innovate through our products, technologies, and services.

Berkeley Research Group, LLC (BRG)は、紛争・調査、企業財務、業績改善・アドバイザリーの3つの主要分野において、一流企業の発展を支援するグローバルコンサルティング会社です。世界各地にオフィスを構え、専門家、業界リーダー、学者、データサイエンティスト、そして国境や専門分野を超えて活躍するプロフェッショナルからなる統合グループです。私たちは専門知識を結集し、クライアントが次の時代を先取りするために必要な洞察力と実践的な戦略を提供します。


The IHI Group aims to create a world where nature and technology work in unity. This means protecting people from the threats of nature in a society offering safety, security, and prosperity to realize sustainability in both the global environment and people’s lifestyles.



Sempra Infrastructure develops, builds, operates and invests in the infrastructure critical to meet the world’s energy and climate needs. Our LNG facilities and development projects on the Pacific and Gulf Coasts of North America serve the energy diversification and energy transition ambitions of our customers. We use innovation to improve all aspects of our business and are advancing next generation technologies like carbon sequestration and clean hydrogen. With a focus on safe and reliable integration into North America’s power grids, we operate over more than 1,600 MW of power generation projects in Mexico, of which 1,044 MW are renewable. We are a leader in North American energy network infrastructure with more than 7,700 kms of natural gas transportation and distribution pipelines and a refined products terminal network under development and operation.



Over $3 trillion worth of global energy trade takes place on water every year. Vortexa strives to provide unprecedented access to global waterborne oil & gas operations data - allowing participants to identify and capture opportunities in the market before anyone else.

Vortexa’s LNG Analytics leverages hard data coverage, human intelligence, and artificial intelligence technologies to provide a unique combination of real-time and predictive LNG trade flows and shipping analytics in one quick, easy view of market fundamentals.

クライメイトテック 主催者ゾーンスポンサー


ENGIEは、包括性と多様性を重視し、誰もが自分のキャリアパスを築き、スキルを向上させ、専門性を継続的に高めることができる、団結したグループです。私たちは、思いやりがあり、柔軟性があり、安全な環境の中で働き、個人的および専門的な成長を奨励しています。これは私たちの間の約束です。共に行動しよう #WithENGIE


Japan NRGは、日本のエネルギー・電力市場に関する情報と分析のための独立したプラットフォームであり、コミュニティハブでもあります。


Japan NRGは東京を拠点とする株式会社由利グループによって制作されています。由利グループのチームは、日本に焦点を当てたビジネス・インテリジェンスにおいて5年以上の経験を持っています。
